Frequently Asked Questions

We absolutely do! KFC donates a significant amount annually, more than R42 million in the last year alone. But hunger is a challenge we cannot solve alone and as such, we give our customers the opportunity to make a difference every time they order from KFC. Since 2009, KFC has donated R391 million, and R43 million in the past year alone.

It encourages KFC customers to add R2 to their bills so that hungry and malnourished children can be supported with nutritious meals. KFC makes an additional contribution as it’s own Social Responsibility donation.

It is important to remember, Add Hope donations have and always will be completely voluntary.

You must show that the NPO is a registered organisation who has been in legitimate operation for more than 2 years and have the following documents:

  • NPO/NPC/PBO/Trust registration certificate
  • Constitution
  • Board of Management
  • Financial advisor/ Bookkeeper
  • Audited Financials
  • Health certificate

You must also show that beneficiaries are between the ages of 0-18yrs.
To apply to be funded as an NPO – please email your motivational letter and relevant documents to:

We chase hope, not targets.

Incentivising or penalising staff would go against the value and ethos of Add Hope which we have worked hard to build over the last 15 years. Add Hope performance based KPI’s should never be set for anyone.

Add Hope donations have and always will be completely voluntary.

As a franchised business, we implement systems and processes to deal with any incidents of store partners who do not align to our ethos and values. We will take immediate action to address issues.

We have a whistle-blower line for our staff to report anyone who goes against our values. As a customer and you have any information, we encourage you to email:

Add Hope is our initiative that encourages the collective effort of a nation to fight malnutrition and hunger in South Africa. Through KFC contributions and your R2 donations, Add Hope feeds over 30 million nutritious meals to underprivileged children across South Africa.

No, KFC does not use your R2 donation for marketing purposes. KFC as a business and Add Hope are two separate entities. Our marketing budget is managed separately from Add Hope funds. The distribution of Add Hope funds is carefully administered by the KFC Social Responsibility Trust and independently audited. The Trust is responsible for overseeing and distributing money raised online, in-store and from funds donated by KFC.s. For more information, email:

No! KFC as a business and Add Hope are two separate entities. KFC, through Add Hope, brings together big business, ordinary citizens like you and civil society to address one of the most pressing challenges of our time: childhood hunger.

As KFC, we do not receive any tax benefit for your R2 donations, but you can! Email your slip showing the R2 transaction to to request a section 18A certificate for your donation.

No, KFC does not use your R2 donation for marketing purposes. KFC as a business and Add Hope are two separate entities. Our marketing budget is managed separately from Add Hope funds. The distribution of Add Hope funds is carefully administered by the KFC Social Responsibility Trust and independently audited. The Trust is responsible for overseeing and distributing money raised online, in-store and from funds donated by KFC.s.

For more information, email: 

You do not have to buy anything at KFC to contribute. You can walk in and contribute or preferably visit Thanks in advance for your contribution.

The distribution of Add Hope funds is carefully administered by the KFC Social Responsibility Trust. The Trust is responsible for overseeing and distributing money raised online, in-store and from funds donated by KFC restaurant franchisees. The KFC Social Responsibility Trust is also audited annually. For more information, email:

Every customer has the right to say NO. Giving should make you happy and promote social connection. KFC understands the plight of a hungry child and works to eliminate it. We know we can't do it alone, so your R2 voluntary donation, combined with KFC's contribution, ensures that Add Hope delivers over 30 million meals per year. Isn't that a great cause?

The beneficiary must show that it is a registered organisation who has been in legitimate operation for more than 2 years and have the following documents:

  • NPO/NPC/PBO/Trust registration certificate
  • Constitution
  • Board of Management
  • Financial advisor/ Bookkeeper
  • Audited Financials
  • Health certificate

They must also show that the end beneficiaries are between the ages of 0-18yrs.
We also check that they require funds for feeding only (Add hope strictly supports feeding programmes only).
To apply to be funded as an NPO – please email your motivational letter and relevant documents to:

Our network of beneficiaries grows daily, so, please send us your area so we can investigate it and get back to you. Please email us:

No! All R2 donations go directly to the KFC Social Responsibility Trust which oversees the distribution of all funds to over 130 carefully selected NPOs across SA, to feed more than 30 million meals to underprivileged kids every year. The KFC Social Responsibility Trust is also independently audited.

No, we do not pay our staff with your R2 donation. KFC, as a business, pays its staff and its structure is separate to that of Add Hope. With assistance and KFC’s contribution, we get to play our part in alleviating the global issue of child hunger. 

The short answer is no. The long answer is no, no, no. We work closely with our beneficiaries to ensure the children are fed a varied menu of nutritious food.

KFC through Add Hope currently supports more than 130 non-profit organisations (which operate 3 330 feeding centres) to provide more than 30 million meals a year across all nine provinces. Each day, about 80 000 meals on average are served to ensure children in need go to bed with full tummies thanks to Add Hope. For more information on the beneficiaries, visit: "WHERE YOUR ADD HOPE R2 GOES"

We receive our funding from KFC, which donates a fixed percentage of its profits to  the Social Responsibility Trust fund which manages Add Hope, as well as  through the R2 donations from our customers. We also receive donations from ad hoc initiatives. 
